Dalla fondazione dell’azienda nel 1957, la storia di EMB è stata caratterizzata da innovazione e standard di alta qualità. Sulla base delle visioni dei nostri clienti e della creatività dei nostri dipendenti, continuiamo a sviluppare costantemente le nostre macchine.
Mantenere la grande fiducia dei nostri clienti è ciò che guida il nostro lavoro. La sostenibilità dei nostri prodotti, la prevenzione degli sprechi nella produzione con le nostre macchine e la responsabilità etica di essere un’azienda internazionale continueranno ad essere le nostre principali linee guida in futuro.

Extensive renovation of the building and the yard

Start-up of a photovoltaic system with 84 kWp capacity as an active contribution to environmental protection.

Building of a new assembly hall with 6000 m² and 10 t gantry crane.

Beginning from 1995: By means of active marketing, we develop additionally our own products which we present first of all by means of commercial activities to our European customers and then to our international customers.

The wide production range is extended by the foundation of an own electronics departments. This completes the entire construction of machines and special purpose machinery.

The design office is founded and the manufacturing possibilities up to present are extended. Now, more complex special purpose machinery according to customer requirements and first own capsule machines can be built.

The ground at the actual site is purchased and a small hall is built.
By means of the improved local possibilities, the first sub-assemblies, appliances and small machines are built.

Foundation of the company by Fritz Kast and Ludwig Haberstroh. In a rent cooper workshop in the centre of Emmendingen, simple bored, turned and milled parts are manufactured.